
Integrating Technologies

Designers and interior designers and the aesthetic imposition of the television

If you browse an interior design and decoration magazine, apart from the ads, how many televisions do you actually see in the rooms?  And in the project sketches? The answer is “very few,” or none. What does that mean? That those professionals do not like to watch TV or, rather, that television, even though they know that its presence will be inevitable in practice, does not fit, at all, in the balance they have created in that space?

Interior design aims to create environments by harmonizing shapes, materials, colors and textures, just like high couture, but there are some aesthetic impositions that are difficult to overcome: columns, windows, doors and also, of course, home appliances.

We all know, for example, that a kitchen must have a refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, microwave, coffee maker, robot … and we already count on multiple solutions to integrate them, even in very small spaces. On the other hand, being a more “private” space, makes the aesthetic role of these elements succumb to its functionality.

AD, Architectural Digest magazineAD, Architectural Digest magazine

But what about the living room, the main space in most homes? The preferred space for leisure, conversation, reading … and, why not say it, to follow the news or watch the game or a movie onthe TV.

There we find another recurring aesthetic imposition: the television screen, with its unmistakable geometry, black color, always present, even when it is not connected and therefore not fulfilling any function.

Rarely does the television have anything to do with the narrative that is intended to be expressed in various styles, whether in residential projects, as well as a hotel or commercial project, and particularly in all those projects with a very marked style and character, where aesthetic investment is more than notable.

If we leave the living room and go to the other rooms, for example, the bedroom; the conflict generated by the TV screen even exceeds the aesthetic dimension. At the time of organizing the space and its main elements: door, window, bed, wardrobe/dressing room, armchair… when it comes to placing the television, a new conflict arises because, in addition to the black stain that the screen draws in the room, there is the factor of proper visualization of the device from the bed, forcing solutions that condition the distribution of the rest of the elements and even force “strange” hanging Tv alternatives.

AD, Architectural Digest magazineAD, Architectural Digest magazine

Interior designers openly express their concern about the role played by the television screen and the way it detracts from its projects. Therefore, as we pointed out at the outset, it is not surprising that specialized publications, magazines, catalogs, books and websites for interior design show images with creations of possible scenarios where they choose to make the screen disappear, as if by magic, because it affects the aesthetic and discredits the communication. Right?

What face do you think these professionals make when they enter a room with the screen frightfully hung in a corner of the room by a mobile stand, sacrificing inchesor with a huge television presiding over the room and all furniture pointing towards it?

No matter how expensive and exclusive the furniture, the care that has been put into the design, the careful choice of textiles, lighting … In the end, what will remain in your retina is the black stain of the TV bursting into every room and disturbing its aesthetic harmony.

To counteract these effects, there are different techniques to integrate the screen in a more discreet way, some better resolved than others, yet still incomplete. There are also flashy concealment devices, of course, but they lack elegance or havefunctional drawbacks.


Continuous contact with interior decoration professionals, careful listening to the wishes of our clients and our experience on the ground has resulted in the development of solutions that contribute effectively to resolving the conflicts of the aesthetic tyranny, aswe have seen: The mirror with integrated television, a surprising, discreet and elegant way that restores harmony in the most demanding projects.

Oculting has therefore become atrend, with solutions that offer freedom of creation to professionals in the sector, solving different situations with multiple possibilities so that the interior design creations are completely holistic.